Ok, so I've heard plenty of ways to get rid of your period, such as drinking more water (to thin out the blood and also help with cramps), taking ibuprofen (helps with cramps), and birth control (stops your period all together.) But what if you don't have access to birth control...
Warts. Even the name sounds unpleasant! Warts can be disfiguring and frustrating, as they are difficult to treat and do not have a definite cure. If you are burdened by the embarrassment of a common wart on your hand, face, foot, or other...
Immune modulating treatments may be needed to treat this condition. Not Helpful 27 Helpful 65 Question How long does it take for a plantar wart to heal? Shari Forschen, NP, MA Family Nurse Practitioner Expert Answer Most common warts in healthy people resolve naturally on their own. ...
Treat a Foot Blister How toGet Rid of Foot Fungus How toUse Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete's Foot How toTreat a Cut on the Bottom of Your Foot How toTreat Athlete's Foot How toStop Itchy Feet How toGet Rid of Bunions How toGet Rid of Plantar Warts (Verrucas) How toTape a Foot...