According to Ayurveda typhoid is known as “Manthar Jawar”. Food and water which is contaminated by infected Mala (stool), Mutra (urine), Saweda (sweating). Eating this contaminated food and water bacteria enters the body and starts growing in the intestine and enters in the intestine wall...
Cats infected with cat scratch fever may be asymptomatic for years, which can be frustrating and potentially harmful to anyone they come into contact with. Since they don’t show any outward symptoms, they’re essential little “Typhoid Mary” vectors running around and infecting those they come...
regardless of whether they were just sneezing or sniffling.Stick to a healthy dietand keep your children hydrated. Always go for bottled water and avoid drinking from public or unpurified water sources as these can cause water-borne illnesses such as Typhoid fever, Salmonella, Giardia, Cholera, ...
In this writing,VKool.comwill show to you top 34 ways on how to break a fever in adults naturally without any side effect. This article listed the best methods to treat this problem from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the infor...
by clinical definition, these early symptoms of EVD remain indistinguishable from malaria, meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other upper respiratory infections, typhoid, diabetic shock, and various cases of extreme gastro-enteritis including cholera. Because of regional co-factors, these latter treata...
Untreated wastewater contains mostly water by volume. It also contains numerous impurities that make the water unsafe for reuse or to discharge back into the environment. Why Do We Need to Treat Wastwater? In the United States, most wastewater undergoes treatment. Worldwide, however, the practice...
Most drugs used to treat motion sickness can help prevent it, but they cannot be cured. Over-the-counter medications, and occasionally prescription medications, are used to relieve and in some cases prevent motion sickness. Some of the more common medications that can be used for motion ...
In the past they used garlic to ward off the plague Garlic regulates the action of the liver and gallbladder It is helpful for all intestinal infections such as cholera, typhoid and intestinal bacterial Now all this garlic does have a side effect, it can produce bad breath which can be hel...
He went on to write is famous Five Towns Novels, but never returned to the Potteries of his birth. He died on 27 March 1931 from typhoid shortly after a visit to France. His ashes are buried in the cemetery at Burslem, Stoke on Trent. His grandson, Denis Eldin, is the President of...
and has led to several of the worst disease epidemics in human history, most notably the black death in the 14th century. Several other life-threatening diseases, including cholera, typhoid fever, meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis, can all be caused by Gram-negative bacteria, making these resili...