Plant disease-resistant oak trees. But first, check the pH of your soil. Oak trees like a lower pH. How to Identify and Treat Oak Tree Diseases According to Encyclopedia Britannica, oaks come in three groups: white, red, and black. Common species in North America include: Pin oak (Quercu...
Tree care Noticeable needle loss or discoloration in pine trees could be a sign of a diseased tree. But what disease, and how can you treat your pine tree to restore it to health? So, if you’re asking yourself why your pine trees are turning brown, in this article, we’ll detail 10...
Oak tree blister can be detected on the top and bottom of the tree's leaves. The surface of the leaves will look blistered, hence the name. On the other side of the leaf, it will look gray colored, but as the disease gets worse, it will turn brown. When the tree turns brown, it...
A healthier tree is more resistant and resilient against pests. The best time to treat a tree for disease is right when you see signs of a problem. If you can learn the types of diseases that your specific variety gets, you can keep an eye out and generally catch problems earlier....
Trees serve as hotels for all kinds of critters, from desirable birds to undesirable insects who often pass their larval youth hidden away inside tree bark. When they break-and-enter, the larvae hatch from their eggs and bore holes into tree trunks and b
As the disease progresses, the fronds collapse and droop parallel to the trunk. New growth becomes stunted, appearing pale green or yellow in color. In severe cases, the head of the infected palm tree may fall off, or the trunk itself may collapse. Depending on the point of invasion, pal...
I was starting to put together the cat tree details when I realized that it was going to be areallylong article. So I decided to break out the part about how to treat tree branches for indoor use, specifically how to clean, strip, and finish the branches, and make it its own piece....
If the disease reaches the main trunk, it can kill the tree. Management: Detecting anthracnose early is the best way to control the disease. Once identified, prune out diseased twigs and branches to prevent further infection and encourage air to flow through the tree. Keep your dogwoods ...
Treat the tree with fungicide. Choose a fungicide that treats the type of fungal infection in your tree. Read the directions carefully because some fungicides are applied to the leaves and branches, while others are watered into the roots. Be sure to use protective gear such asglovesand eyewear...
11 types of fungal turfgrass diseases and how to treat them To treat a fungus in your yard, it’s important to identify them first. Once you know what type of fungus growth you are facing, you will be able to find a solution to treat it. Usually a fungal disease can be eradicated fr...