Ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid are two of the most commonly-used NSAIDs to treat torn meniscus pain. While side effects tend to be mild, this kind of medication can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite reduction, dizziness, headaches, rashes, and general drowsiness. Because...
If a person has severe pain after a meniscus tear or the injury interferes with his normal activities, his doctor may recommend surgery. The type of surgery a person has typically depends on how damaged the meniscus is and how active he is on a daily basis. If a person is young and fai...
If you have ever heard a pop when you twisted your knee and then your knee swelled, chances are you ended up with surgical repair of a torn meniscus or ligament in the knee. There are some serious cut-and-dry cases when surgery is the only option. However, what if your knee is sore...
A mildly torn meniscus is generally treated by resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the area, but a more severely torn...
A torn meniscus can be repaired, regenerated, or replaced at The Stone Clinic. OurMeniscus Transplant Centeris dedicated to replacing the meniscus and has been successful at getting athletes back to high levels of activity, even if they had developed arthritis. ...
"A torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries," the Mayo Clinic said. "Any activity that causes you to forcefully twist or rotate your knee, especially when putting your full weight on it, can lead to a torn meniscus." ...
“Isuppose it is tempting, if the only toolyou haveis ahammer, to treat everything as if itwerea nail.” — Abraham Maslow, 1964 Why did I have to coax this information from my doctor without him volunteering it, even though it worked well for his wife? My earlier meniscus surgery wa...
rectus femoris strain moderate im 57. mtber..3 months off work. no one knows how to treat this,, NO ONE, if you get this you are done… Reply Ben ShattoJanuary 3, 2021 at 11:35 am# Jack….significant strains like this can take a long time to recover from. The goal is to slowl...
They live up to the name.”– NH via Facebook “Dr. Danielle was awesome. Treated my double meniscus tear superbly. I’d highly recommend trying PRP treatment before having surgery.”– SB via Facebook “Dr. Hauser is the best of the best and you won’t find anyone better. Guaranteed...
Response from the owner:Thanks Justin. Happy to report another win a trial. Client injured his knee at work. He underwent a meniscus surgery. The doctor also "cleaned up" other degenerative changes in the knee. This is called a chondroplasty. After the surgery, client's knee go worse. Th...