While you may not be able to fully prevent a black toenail from occurring if you’re running long or often, there are some things you can do to make it less likely to happen. First, keep your toenails short—the nail should be flush with the end of your toe. “The less the nail ...
Most blisters heal on their own in one to two weeks. Don't resume the activity that caused your blister until it's healed. To treat a blister, dermatologists recommend the following: Cover the blister. What is a friction blister? Friction blisters areintraepidermal blisters caused by the ski...
Never put butter on a burn or pop anyblistersthat form. You could damage the skin and cause an infection. How do I treat asunburn? Always wearsunscreenwhen you’re outdoors to protect your skin from the sun. If you stay outside for too long without protection, you can get a red, itc...
Blisters, chafing, and sunburn can strike anytime, but they’re more common in hot weather. Here’s how to treat these problems and to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Black toenails Lots of downhill running and too-small shoes can bring these on, as both cause your toes...
If you land on the heel, have you had blisters under the arch when running? Are you prone toshin splints(sharp pain down the front of your legs) or niggling knees? Chances are youover-pronateand need some stability to keep your feet and knees aligned. ...
"Shoes that are too small may cause blisters, bunions, and other foot injuries. Shoes that are too large, on the other hand, may lack the necessary stability and cushioning." Look for something that promises a snug fit. Features to look for include a mesh or knit upper that...
Common foot rash symptoms include red or white rash, blisters, dryness, inflammation and scaly patches depending on the underlying cause, and may or may not be itchy & painful. You can find out about the common causes of foot rashes and how to treat and prevent them in the Foot & Ankle...
For more information on what to look for in your first running shoes,listen to Coach Nate’s top three tips when buying your first pair. Socks Your socks should fit well, made preferably of moisture-wicking material, and cover your ankle bone, especially if you are prone to blisters near ...
Everyday Foot Problems: Discover what causes some of the most commonly encountered foot problems, as well as how to treat or avoid them. Foot Injuries: Learn about common foot injuries and first aid techniques for feet -- from blisters to broken bones -- with this informative article. How ...
Loosen any remaining dry skin from your soaked and scrubbed feet with a pumice stone. Rub the stone gently back and forth on problem areas. Don't scrub excessively, as doing so can cause cuts and scratches. Avoid using pumice if you have blisters or open cracks. ...