Because adhesions are multiple scar tissues within the abdomen or pelvis that pull one surface or organ to another organ or surface, it is difficult to treat. If your doctor suspects that the cause of your abdominal pain is adhesion, once they have checked that you do not have bowel obstruc...
Algelstad is a medicine that neutralizes gastric acid and is used to treat inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. This is a symptomatic medication that can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, when using the patient also need to pay attention to some things to lim...
Diverticulitis is an inflammatory bowel condition that is the result of pockets in the intestinal lining becoming infected and inflamed. It affects over 10 percent of American adults and can be debilitating when a flare occurs. Learn how to treat diverti
Some fistulas, abscesses, or bowel obstructions may require one. During the procedure, your doctor will remove damaged parts of your intestines. But they’ll try to preserve as much as they can to keep your digestion normal. Show Sources Next Video Parallel Paths: Acupuncture and Crohn’s ...
A non-randomized clinical trial found manual therapy to break up scar tissue in the abdomen and pelvic floor improved bloating and stomach distension for people with small bowel obstructions. In addition, an observational study where patients were taught exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor musc...
We’re guessing your pets don’t have the etiquette to remove the candy wrappers before diving in. Those foil and cellophane wrappers can cause life-threatening bowel obstructions in pets. 5. Grapes/Raisins Some neighbors try to discourage the Halloween candy craze by handing out healthy snacks...
How do you treat malrotation? Treating significant malrotation almost always requiressurgery. The timing and urgency will depend on the child's condition. If there is already a volvulus, surgery must be done right away to prevent damage to the bowel. Any child with bowel obstruction will need ...
After administering castor oil researchers found that the stool was softer, the patients had to strain less in their bowel movements, and they had a feeling of emptying their bowels.8 To use castor oil to stimulate movement in your intestines and treat constipation, take one to two teaspoons ...
Miralax™ (polyethylene glycol 3350): This can be picked up over the counter and mixed with a small amount of canned cat food. Check with your veterinarian first, but I generally use1/8 to 1/2 a teaspoon every 12-24 hours orallyas needed to treat cat constipation. ...
A colonoscopy can detect, prevent, and treat colorectal cancer. It’s also used for other conditions, such as inflammatory bowel diseases. Yes, it requires burdensome preparation, but it can be lifesaving. Talk to your doctor about when you should have a colonoscopy. ...