If so, you might have a condition called Sciatica. Often shrugged off as a bad back, roughly 16% of Australians struggle with back issues. Some of the issues are related to Sciatica. But what exactly is Sciatica, how is it caused, and how can you treat or manage it? In this article,...
When the functionality of this nerve is affected due to pressure and inflammation, you feel pain, tingling, weakness or numbness in your legs that radiate downwards. The pain originates in the lower back, but it can extend to your leg, calf muscles and even your toes. Normally, sciatica ...
Or should we use the word “sciatica” to refer to all buttock and leg pain and consider the specific cause separately, whether nerves are involved or not? There’s no official answer to these questions!Many causes of buttock, hip, and leg pain...
You’ve probably already heard this term, as it tends to be one that people throw around a lot to diagnose their aches and pains. Actually, sciatica is not a medical problem per se, but rather a description of the pain, numbness, weakness and other symptoms in the leg, buttocks, or fe...
The article presents information on how to treat sciatica from the perspective of an orthopedist, a chiropractor and a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner. It informs that sciatica is often caused by a bone spur or by a disk protrusion. It suggests that patients can take an anti-...
Top 26 Best Home Remedies For Leg Pain And Swelling Relief/Top 30 Best Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Sciatica Pain in Leg During Pregnancy CONTENTS I. Edema Overview 1. Signs & Symptoms Of Edema 2. Causes Of Edema II. Quick Tips III. How To Treat Edema Naturally ...
Sciaticais a general term used to describe a variety of symptoms occurring with pain that radiates from the lower back or hip to the back of the thigh and into the leg, usually to the foot or ankle. Sciaticamost often occurs in people between the ages of 30 to 50 years. ...
Sciatica is a common pain condition that can come and go during life. In our post, we discuss how to test if you have sciatica and how to treat it.
The psoas muscle connects the lower middle spine to the top of the leg, making it one of the most important muscles in your body. You may not give this muscle much thought, as it's deeply embedded within your body; but when it's tight or injured, you exp
However, lower back pain from running can be triggered by a number of causes, so it's important to get the correct diagnosis. Here, physiotherapist Matt Bergin of Witty, Pask & Buckingham Chartered Physiotherapists talks through five of the most common causes and how to treat them. What ca...