Q. After I've cooked with chicken, how can I tell whether I've cleaned my counter tops, cutting board and utensils well enough to prevent bacterial contamination? A. Although salmonella bacteria is found on most chicken sold in this country, it is seldom implicated in salmonella outbreaks. ...
The common cold is an infectious disease. We do not recommend flying when you are ill due to the risk of pressure-related injuries, and it is not advisable to travel with respiratory infection symptoms. Generally, airlines cannot transport indi...
Ear infections tend to occur more in fall and winter because upper-respiratory infections such as cold and flu are on the rise then, too. Children who are 2 and younger get more ear infections because of the small size and shape of their Eustachian tubes. Other things that can come into ...
In this article, we are going to learn why chicken pox is so prevalent, what it does to your body, how to treat it and how to avoid it. Chicken Pox by the Numbers Worldwide distribution of chicken pox in densely populated areas: 90 percent of people under 15 95 percent of adult...
Trying to stop coughing is the top reason why people go to see a doctor. Because the cough can happen for a number of reasons, you need to find out its cause to treat it correctly. Viruseshappen to be the most common cause. They can cause dry cough episodes which can be very irritati...
There are many factors that control fast breathing in dogs and sometimes the problem related to breathing can become life threating.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate clinical features and outcomes of children in Taiwan with laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) vs those of children with influenza to differentiate the 2 diseases. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients 20 years or younger with clinical, epidemiolog...
Species: CatBreed: MixedAge: 8 to 11 yearsThank you for your past advise. I now have another question that is regarding another feral cat that has been with us since 1999. She seems to have developed an upper respiratory problem and we like to know the best way to treat it. We have...
Ultimately, the action we take to protect human health, which relies just as much on food security as it does on antibiotics to treat serious bacterial infections, must be translatable to all antibiotics (and indeed all antimicrobials), including the new antibiotics to come. The proposed global ...
"Whenever I get sick, it tends to cause congestion in my upper respiratory tract. To help clear out my sinuses and make blowing my nose easier, my go-to is a steamy shower sincesteam inhalation has been shown to alleviate cold symptoms. To avoid hot water scalding my skin, I will often...