Keep your cat's vaccinations up to date. There are several feline diseases that manifest in upper respiratory issues. These diseases can be very serious, especially if left undiagnosed. If your cat is un-vaccinated, missed a booster and is exposed to other cats outdoors or in kennels, please...
How to prevent lung cancer from spreading How is esophageal cancer caused? How to treat mast cell tumors in dogs? How does immunotherapy work for lung cancer? How does cigarette smoking cause bladder cancer? How does bone marrow cancer occur?
Heartworm in cats is a scarydiseasethat easily can hit close to home. Signs of heartworms in cats range from no symptoms at all to sudden collapse or death. We spoke to vets about how to prevent heartworm disease in cats; how vets treat heartworm disease in cats; and more. ...
Pay attention to where your cat is when the sneezing most often occurs. Look around to see what is in the immediate environment that could cause allergic reactions. If your cat is suffering from an allergy, these questions can help identify the allergen. Some of the things to which cats can...
How to Treat Your Dog's Diarrhea at HomeThere are times when your dog may be off, and you can manage their diarrhea without a trip to the veterinarian.If you have determined that it will likely be ok to try and “ride out” your dog’s diarrhea for 24 to 36 hours, then here are...
Some viruses are more stable than others, but in general they mutate frequently, sometimes making it difficult for doctors to treat them. Influenza is a specific type of virus that attacks the respiratory system. It can cause fevers, sore throats and congestion. If it attacks muscle cells, ...
How to Treat Coronavirus? specific treatment of coronavirus COVID-19 COVID-19 Vaccine (July 2021 Edition) up to 10 different COVID-19 vaccines generate an immune reaction that protects them from re-infection safe for most individuals over the age of 18 ...
How to treat parvovirus B19?Question:How to treat parvovirus B19?Parvovirus B19:Parvovirus B19 is a virus that can cause infections in humans. This virus can be transmitted through saliva, mucus, and other respiratory secretions during coughing or sneezing. Parvovirus B19 can also be transmitted th...
Rats can also get sick if it's too cold, or of the cage is in a drafty area. Either way, I would find an exotic vet in your area and bring the rat in. If it has a respiratory infection, it will need antibiotics to treat it. Respiratory illness does not get better on its own....
How to Treat Your Allergy Symptoms Managing allergies can look different depending on the allergen. If you’re allergic to dogs or cats, you can try to reduce contact with them for starters. Pollen and dust can be more difficult to avoid, but symptoms caused by these allergens can be dealt...