If you catch the condition early on when the hair follicle is still intact, then doing away with the hairstyle will usually be enough to reverse the condition. There are no medications or other treatments that can be used to aid recovery, so you must give the hair time and allow it to ...
Inositol is an excellent supplement for relieving the mood swings, depression, and anxiety that occur with PMS (premenstrual syndrome),PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), pregnancy, and menopause. It’s been found to beas effective as the drug fluvoxaminefor treating all kinds of anxiety, includ...
TSH is a pituitary hormone that responds to low/high amounts of circulating thyroid hormone. If you’re new to thyroid lab testing, it may seem counterintuitive, but an elevated TSH means that you do not have enough thyroid hormone on board and that you are hypothyroid. This is because the...
These diets are meant as a starting point, as you may need to modify these diets to fit your own individual needs. Some people with Hashimoto’s may actually need to do a modifiedketogenicdietto lose weight. I know this is controversial in the thyroid world, as the keto diet (when done...
Why you may feel this way: It is normal to experience irritability andanger during pregnancydue to hormonal changes. Naturally, when you aren't feeling well, your ability to maintain your calm decreases.Pregnancy fatigueand physical discomfort are big contributors to pregnancy anger. ...
Learn the signs of pregnancy, what causes irregular periods, and when to see a doctor. One common question that teens and women ask is whether they can become pregnant while on their period. What Is the Oldest Age a Woman Can Get Pregnant Naturally? Fertility declines with age. Most women...
Another way onhow to improve your lifeis to start a budget. This is a way to control your finance. It helps you spend money on the priorities and make the balance between spending and saving. Making a budget plan can benefit you. It lets you know what you should set aside, what you...
Birth control was designed to deliver you enough hormones to shut down your reproductive function. Yes, hormones that suppress your body and therefore, can't fix the true issue. I believe giving women hormonal birth control to treat symptoms without ever asking why they are there in the first...