For bacterial paronychia, you can start at home by soaking the area in hot water two or three times a day. If after a few days there is no improvement or the infection has gotten worse, see your doctor -- you may need prescription antibiotics. And in the case of infections that are ...
Sebaceous cyst abscesses have a pearly white capsule. The capsule must be removed for complete healing either at the time of abscess drainage or at a follow-up visit once inflammation has resolved. For paronychia, consider simply lifting the eponychial fold away ...
Soak your finger or toe for at least 15 minutes 2 to 4 times daily. If the water cools down before 20 minutes, add hot water to warm it up or replace it with a fresh bowl. Acute paronychia usually goes away after a few days of regular warm water soaks.[5] Warm water increases ...