Nummular eczema usually consists of round patches of vesicular, oozing or crusting dermatitis over the extremities. Drugs and disease can produce such eczema. Withdrawing offending drugs and treating underlying disease are often the first steps in management. Also, local steroid creams, antihistamines,...
Nutrition:Individuals suffering from nummular eczema are advised to avoid foods that are known to triggerallergies. These include peanuts, dairy products, wheat, and other grains. Foods that can cause inflammation should be avoided as well, such as sugarand processed foods. Individuals suffering from...
At the sign of infection, consult your doctor, and he or she can prescribe either topical or oral antibiotics that will heal the infected areas. Fortunately, not all eczema becomes infected. To find out how to treat eczema that hasn't been infected, read on. Impetigo A skin condition that...
Fish oils were found to relieve chronic eczema in a double-blind study. They appear to work by reducing levels of leukotriene B-4, a substance in the body involved with the inflammation of eczema. Eating cold-water fish regularly is the best source for fish oils, but if you're not a f...