Keep reading to learn how to treat and avoid a dysentery infection.This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any...
Lemon– In ancient times, the lemon was used as a cleanser, preservative for food and as a means to treat illnesses. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids which aid in healing and reducing inflammation.Lemon watercan be used as a home remedy to treat pneumonia without antibiotics...
The common cold is an infectious disease. We do not recommend flying when you are ill due to the risk of pressure-related injuries, and it is not advisable to travel with respiratory infection symptoms. Generally, airlines cannot transport indi...
It is notable that HD-DXM could induce a more rapid response and seems to have a better safety profile (lower incidence of steroid-related comorbidities) than prednisone [99]; however, caution needs to be taken when interpreting the safety data as the prolonged use of prednisone (≥ 8 ...
contracting the PC muscles. With the PCs still engaged, you have to lift and lower the bent legs off the floor. This move is as if you were marching: first your left leg, then your right leg. When you have lifted each foot for 5 times, release the PCs and lower to the floor. Do...
Tetracycline –This type of antibiotic also works by inhibiting a bacteria’s protein synthesis so that it can’t grow. It is often used to treat skin infections and acne, among other types of infection. A commonly known type of tetracycline is doxycycline. ...
Learn how to treat poison ivy exposure and avoid it altogether, and brush up on the science behind the backcountry's least-loved vine.
Turmeric has healing and curing properties; therefore, it can help treat some ailments and diseases. Besides, turmeric is a wonderful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties to help you fight against infection and effectively reduce swelling. Therefore, using turmeric is known as one of the...
Pay attention to your body's signals "Over time, I've learned that when my body is run down and potentially "coming down" with something, i.e., fighting off an infection or illness, the skin on my back will get extra sensitive. With this, my temperature may also be slightly elevated...
Targeting the viral life cycle There is a great need for broad-range antiviral drugs to treat NPEV infections. Such drugs may also be instru- mental in the global poliovirus eradication initiative to treat so-called chronic shedders18. Several enterovirus inhibitors have been identified and...