Older adults, however, are likely to have longer-lasting dizziness. SLIDESHOW Ear Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment See Slideshow How do you treat an inner ear infection? As with any medical problem, the treatment plan will depend on your age, health, and symptoms. The severity of ...
If you have a viral inner ear infection, your doctor may prescribe a steroid treatment to reduce inflammation or antiviral medication to attack the virus. You may also take medications to control symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and vertigo. Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter medi...
Vestibular system: The dysfunction of theinner earand/or thevestibulocochlear nerve—both of which regulate balance—can lead to extreme dizziness and symptoms of nausea. Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ): This is part of the dorsal brainstem that receives input from blood-borne drugs and hormones. ...
Vestibular disease in cats is a condition that affects the ability of the vestibular system to function properly. Usually, there is no known cause for this condition. Sometimes, the disease can be caused by an inner ear infection, tumor in the brain/inner ear, or certain medications. Symptoms...
If you have a viral inner ear infection, your doctor may prescribe a steroid treatment to reduce inflammation or antiviral medication to attack the virus. You may also take medications to control symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and vertigo. Your doctor may suggest over-the-counter medi...
Meniett device is used in patients who have vertigo which is difficult to treat. Meniett device applies pressure to the middle ear which helps in improving the fluid exchange. Meniett pulse generator is a device which applies pulses of pressure to the ear canal via a ventilation tube. This tre...
Dizziness Coughing Don’t be tempted to try to remove the buildup yourself. Wax irrigation kits you buy without a prescription can accidentally tear your eardrum or trap water behind the wax, setting you up for an infection. Ear candling comes with its own risks, such as burning yourself by...
ear pressure injury can cause a feeling of ear blockage or mild pain, whereas at its most severe, it can lead to intense pain, dizziness, and even inner ear damage. Pressure injuries in the nasal sinuses can cause severe pain in the foreh...
III. How To Get Rid Of Dizziness From Flu, Cold, Drinking, & Ear Infection There are some wonderful tips onhow totreat dizziness that people can apply with ease at the comfort of your own home. All of these remedies just require easy to find natural ingredients, so everyone does not nee...
Vertigois dizziness that can make you feel like the room or world around you is spinning. It often stems from problems with the inner ear. Sinus infections can cause the auditory tube to become blocked due to inflammation and thick mucus secretions. ...