11 types of fungal turfgrass diseases and how to treat them To treat a fungus in your yard, it’s important to identify them first. Once you know what type of fungus growth you are facing, you will be able to find a solution to treat it. Usually a fungal disease can be eradicated fr...
4. Use oils like coconut to massage into your hair and scalp on a daily basis, and if you do have a fungal infection, mix in a little Neem oil and/or Tea tree with the coconut oil, and leave it in the hair for 20-30 minutes a day 5. Try using your morning, mid-stream urine ...
Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer for all of your body's linings. Coconut oil also appears to have healing properties for wounds - some health practitioners in Indonesia have long used coconut oil to effectively treat bed sores and other skin lesions. ...
not fungi. Also, fungal infections that include any kind of hair follicle usually do not respond 100 percent to skin creams. Oral anti- fungal meds are usually the best way to go. After reading the comments, it's good to see that commenters know this, even if the article writer does no...
Beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) reduces acne lesions by exfoliating deeper into the pores to remove dead skin cells. The acne body wash by Curology uses 2% salicylic acid to treat your body acne and is gentle enough to use daily. Zinc pyrithione is especially helpful for fungal acne. It has ...
Fungus:Malessezia furfuris a yeast (fungus) that can grow in the hair follicles leading to pimples. Fungal acne causes whiteheads that often become red, inflamed, and irritated. It can also be very itchy. Bacteria:Sebum can trap dirt or debris in your pores, setting the stage for bacteria...
Soon after spots appear, the leaves will wilt and eventually drop off, so catching it early is key to prevent further spread. Solution Remove badly infected leaves with clean pruning shears, and treat minor breakouts with a fungicide spray. ...
Have this juice or soup to treat sinus infection. Daily intake of the garlic – turmeric drink will certainly assist you to get complete cure from sinus problem. Learn more:What Are The Health Advantages Of Turmeric For Humans? 3. Garlic ...
Dry your feet and toes very well after soaking them in vinegar. If you cannot get your feet completely dry with a towel, use a hair dryer set to low. Tips Health911 states that soaking your affected nails in a baking soda and water solution may also help treat toenail fungus. ...
to treat athlete’s foot as well as foot odor problems. Besides, boric acid is mildly toxic and acidic that can help to remove the bacteria and molds causing this foot odor problem. You may also use borax, which has a large proportion of boric acid to treat your shoes to fight the ...