the doctor can also use the endoscope to treat the cause of bleeding. It's a thin, flexible tool they can insert through your mouth or rectum to see the areas of concern and take a tissue sample
Cumin is also one of other ways on how to get rid of stomach ache caused by indigestion. It contains many fine properties that can aid in digesting food easily. In addition, this Mediterranean spice is traditionally used as a remedy for gastritis and inflammation. Some people with gastritis c...
Nausea is an uncomfortable sensation in the back of the throat, middle of the chest, or top of your stomach. It is often accompanied by the urge to vomit but doesn't always lead to vomiting. The sensation may be dull and lingering or come on suddenly and severely. Although nausea is no...
One of the most challenging problems people face in life ishow to deal with an addiction to alcohol, but there is a way to fix the problem and have a long-term sobriety. Alcohol rehab is the best way to treat and heal from an addiction to alcohol, and it is essential to remember tha...
Patients with either chronic or acute pancreatitis strongly advised not to drink any alcoholic beverages. Are There Home Remedies That Soothe or Cure Pancreatitis? For most people, self-care alone is not enough to treat pancreatitis. People may be able to make themselves more comfortable during an...
Being a natural tonic for the stomach, cayenne pepper is a solution for those wondering how to get rid of alcohol addiction naturally at home. People who drink a large amount of alcohol tend to have stomach issues, particularly gastritis. Cayenne pepper can relieve pain and decrease stomach inf...
point. You can usually treat a stomachache yourself using a variety of home remedies, such as by using a heating pad or by consuming chamomile tea, peppermint, and apple cider vinegar. If natural remedies don't bring relief, OTC medicines can often help to ease an upset stomach pretty ...
A Beginner's Guide To The Whole30 Diet Plan Stomach Pain? Try One Of These Probiotics What Are The Symptoms Of Norovirus? 7 GI Docs Reveal What They Do to Beat Bloating What Brand Of Ground Beef Is Recalled? 8 Ways To Get Rid Of Period Bloating ...
Inflammation might be fine at first, but too much isn’t healthy or pleasant. Inflammation can be a symptom of many health issues, including gastritis, which in turn can lead to more serious gut complications like ulcers. Turmeric for inflammation is a common home remedy, and for good reason...
I’ve already shared with youhow to use rice water for gorgeous hair and skin. However many people say that rice water can help to reduce the frequency of vomiting, especially if it is caused by gastritis. Some rehydration solutions include rice water in them because rice contains complex car...