Use an anti-fungal product as soon as you notice an infection to keep it from spreading. Select a well-known manicure and pedicure salon, and bring your own instruments. Don’t trim or pick at the skin around your nails. Don’t walk barefoot in public places such as pools, locker rooms...
Fungal infections of the nails can actually be caused by organisms other than fungus. Yeast and mold can also cause these persistent and troublesome infections to spread. Because these types of microscopic organisms do not need light to live, they tend to thrive in dark, moist environments. Any...
Nail fungusdoesn't go away by itself. And if you don't treat it, there's a chance it could get worse and causepainwhen you walk. It could also spread to other nails or through your body. Luckily, there are a number of ways to take care of it. Prescription toenail fungus treatments...
Even so, fungal infections can compromise other nails or several at the same time. In fact, sometimes they occur as a complication of tinea pedis (fungus on the feet), which, when effective treatment is lacking, can spread to the nail area....
This infection doesn’t usually go away on its own, and it can take a year or more to treat it with prescription medications. These are applied to the nail or taken in pill form. Signs of a toenail fungal infection Discolored toenails. Nails can be brown, black, white, or yellow. Usua...
Apply an anti-fungal topical medication to the nail, nail bed and under the toenail. If the toenail has become very thick, visit a podiatrist to have the nail filed down some. Smoothing down the thick nail will make it easier for the skin under the nail to receive the medication. ...
When it is time to actually trim your cat’s nails, don’t rush it, and make sure you’re feeling calm about the whole process. Remember, if it doesn’t work out, you can walk away and try again the next day, so there is no need to fret about not getting the job finished. ...
I can't wear sandals and slippers whenever I go out because of my yellow nails. What I did to cure my infected nails was I regularly soak my feet in ACV foot soaks. I also applied Fungusil, which is an anti-fungal product, directly to the infected region. ...
Dry your feet and toes very well after soaking them in vinegar. If you cannot get your feet completely dry with a towel, use a hair dryer set to low. Tips Health911 states that soaking your affected nails in a baking soda and water solution may also help treat toenail fungus. ...
Nail fungus (onychomycosis in doctor-talk) is a very common problem. Most health care providers don’t consider it serious, although some readers have told us that terrible nail fungus can make nails rough, so that they snag on socks, or make them so misshapen that it is difficult to wear...