-They might be a person who does not know how to treat others in a loving fashion and might even be abusive in some way – emotionally or physically. -There will be a level of control over the people in their lives, and you might feel like you cannot make your own decisi...
10We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! 11To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 12We work hard with our own hands. When we...
How Fools Talk - Whoever isolates himself pursues selfish ends; he resists all sound advice. A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand,
and falsetto-driven, but with a country Western influence I’ve liked since high school, like Mississippi John Hurt, and gospel and disco, and always hip-hop. Hip-hop has been in my DNA since high school; I wanted to partner with a hip-hop producer to bring that DNA to the forefront...
Beauty is the gift of God —Aristotle If one truly loves nature one finds beauty everywhere. —Vincent Van Gogh Beauty is a fragile gift. —Ovid Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it. —Rumi ...
Not holding back, on June 22 he writes, “His pride, obstinacy, and folly are equal to his vanity, and, although it is a common observation that fools are the tools of knaves … yet John Adams has served to illustrate two points at least with me… that a fool is the most unmanageab...
First of all, let us define the word “sin” as it is used in the Bible: Sin: That which is proven to be detrimental to life, and is the root cause of disease, suffering and death. Sinful actions are against life health, and the joy of living free from diseases....
Two years ago I ended up in the deep South, in the Bible Belt no less, in an old run down farm house, that I work on constantly, that I bought off the Net, sight unseen except for the picture that was on the net, surrounded by mountains, and forestry. A small town is about ...
Does the way I treat my spouse/ children/family create a Bridge between us or a Wall that separates us? What is 1 way I can be a Bridge builder this week? Tip No.2: Choose to Build Relationships with people who bring out a better you. ...
I was suspensed for “streaking” on April Fools day back when I was in Grand Ten. Reply jessica February 22, 2012 at 12:08 pm. Permalink. Great article. What are your thoughts on the Bible being the “word of God?” Leviticus 20:13 says we should kill gays. How can that be?