When peskyfleasburrow deep into your pregnant dog's fur and take up long-term residence, you might have to think twice about relying on your previous go-to for flea control. In addition to your dog's well-being, you'll also have to think about the potential health risks for her unborn...
"..Don’t Even Think Of Treating Your Dog, Cat, or Other Pet For Fleas Until You Read This Eye-Opening Information!.." Dear Pet Owner, If you’re looking for getting rid of fleas and keeping them from coming back… if you’ve heard conflicting advice about the best way to treat you...
Choose apremise spraylabeled to kill adult fleas and ticks. Spray along fence lines, under trees and bushes, and around doorframes. Be sure to treat areas with lots of shade, such as: Dog houses or kennels Sheds, patios and crawl spaces Shrubbery up to a height of 2 to 3 feet Continu...
Fleas and ticks are irritating things that all pet owners have to deal with at some point. Thankfully, several medications are specifically designed to treat fleas and ticks and prevent their presence on your dog. However, with so many options, it can be easy to get confused. Let’s take ...
How to Treat Dog Mange: Sarcoptic Mange Since the symptoms of Sarcoptic mange mirror many of the symptoms ofdog fleas,dog ticksand otherdog skin conditions, it is hard accurately diagnose your dog at home. It will benefit your dog and the rest of your family if your make an appointment wi...
If you want to learn how to get rid of fleas, you need more than just some simple tips on bathing your dog. Fighting a flea infestation could take days, maybe even weeks, thanks to the flea's life cycle, abilities, and habits. It's not an easy job, but here's everything you ...
“To treat a flea rash, you must get rid of the flea infestation on your dog,” Tullio said. “It’s best to get a monthlypreventative medicationfrom your vet to prevent further infestations from coming back. Your vet will most likely give you a flea treatment calledCapstar, which will ...
It is very common for cats to have fleas, especially if you allow your cat to go outdoors. Even cats that remain indoors may have fleas. This is especially true if you have another animal, such as a dog, that goes outdoors. The dog can bring the fleas into the house and then they ...
Give your dog a treat! Remember that a flea bath removes fleas and flea dirt from your dog, but not from the environment. Wash all pet bedding and vacuum your home thoroughly. Be sure to follow up with an effective form of flea control medication to prevent reinfestation. Talk to your ...
Removing a tick can be tricky. If you’ve followed our step-by-step guide to twisting out a tick from your dog or cat but the mouth or entire head is still stuck in their skin, here’s what you need to know. How to Tell If a Tick Head Is Still in Your Pet’s Skin ...