Flea bites on dogs look like small, red, raised dots on your dog’s skin. They’re usually smaller than other insect bites and can be difficult to see through your dog’s fur. The exception, of course, is if your dog has an allergic reaction to the bite, in which case, the area ...
When the flea bites you, wash the area with some antiseptic fluid or soap and keep it very clean. Cold water might be better than hot, because it won’t irritate the bite even more. Cold pack can help you further. Keep it on the bite spot for some time to decrease any potential swe...
Many people have an allergy to fleabites. This doesn’t mean you’re allergic to the flea itself. Instead, it means that you’re allergic to the flea’s saliva. When a flea bites you, they use their strong claws to grip your skin. Then, they insert their proboscis (a needle-like pa...
Here are the most effective ways to get rid of fleas in the house, from using lemon juice to cleaning regularly. Find your ideal flea treatment for your home
Apply the flea powder weekly to aflea infested dogduring peak pest control season and thoroughly work it through your dogs coat. Use it toprevent fleas on cats naturally, too. Monitor your pet closely when using a new formula of any kind. ...
If you’re tired of flea bites, use regular table salt to remove adult fleas and their flea larvae from your carpets. Salt dehydrates fleas, their larvae, and their eggs. Sprinkle a fine coating of salt over all the carpeted surfaces. Allow the salt to remain on the carpet overnight, ...
Flea Bites on Humans Fleas bite humans, too, and those tiny little bites itch like crazy.HeikeKampe/Getty Images Since fleas can clearly spread disease, and owning a pet increases the likelihood of a flea infestation, you want to be sure to prevent fleas from setting up in your home via ...
her bedding and the carpet in your home. Dust your pet lightly with flea powder that is safe to use directly on pets. Check to make sure that you are using a product safe for cats if you have a feline because some powders areonly safe to use on dogs. While wearing gloves, rub the...
This sweet treat is surprisingly toxic to dogs. In fact, theAmerican Kennel Clubreports that "one grape/raisin toxicity can even be fatal." The reason? Veterinarianstheorizethat it's the tartaric acid. While this is present in a handful of fruits, it's most notable in grapes. ...
However, coconut water is not the same as ordinary water that both humans and dogs drink. Coconut water should not be given as a substitute drink nor be given every day. Give coconut water to your pet as a treat after meals or as a training reward. In essence, coconut water is an exc...