Given that seborrheic dermatitis is more a result of flaking, red skin and itching, stopping the flaking associated with dandruff isn’t as simple as moisturizing the area and cutting back on showers. “The first thing I recommend to anyone with dandruff is to wash your hair daily,” says R...
Tips to treat facial redness If you're dealing with a red, irritated complexion, here are some things you can do at home to take action right now: Strip it back to basics "The best treatment for redness caused by atopic dermatitis is to reduce contact with irritants and allergens," ...
An important ingredient found in beard shampoo is Ketoconazole, which works to treat seborrheic dermatitis. There’s nothing overly complicated about shampooing your beard. First, wet it with water – in the shower if you’d like – and then apply a small amount of beard shampoo into the palm...
Facial hair grows in the same areas on your face where seborrheic dermatitis flares up, such as your sideburns, around your mouth, and under your nose. You can help prevent beard dandruff by shampooing your facial hair with the same shampoo you use on your head hair. You usually won't ne...
Unlike a stye, chalazia can take weeks or even months to go away completely. In some cases, they might not resolve on their own and may require additional medical intervention.¹³ How to prevent styes To prevent styes, it's essential to maintain good facial hygiene. Some effective measu...
Skin Care for Facial Eczema One of the best ways to treat your eczema is to take good care of your skin. For instance: Keep your skin moisturized.Try using thick creams (such as Cetaphil or Eucerin) and ointments (such as Aquaphor or Vaseline) rather than thinner lotions. The best time...
How to treat seborrheic keratoses: Instead of trying to pop them, Dr. Zeichner recommends visiting your dermatologist if they become irritated or inflamed—your derm may even be able to get treatment covered through your insurance. “If you are bothered by the appearance, speak to your dermatolo...
Okay digital moms, if you are a new mom wanting to know – what is cradle cap? Here is what I am going to how you to treat cradle cap. Just know this is perfectly normal. It’s not harmful to your baby, it’s just well UGLY. ...
“is a form of folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicles.”“at times it can be caused by irritation, bacteria, fungal, or other infections. you can also have traditional acne around the hairline if you are prone to facial acne,” says dr. robinson. however, new york city-based...
But when said problem is dreaded dandruff, it's easy to get overwhelmed. This condition, which often manifests as those small, white flakes that linger on your scalp, is very common — but it can also be hard to treat. So if you're wondering how to get rid of dandruff (and learn...