Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses. It can be either viral or bacterial. Other symptoms: Advertisement | page continues below Stuffy or runny nose with clear mucus Coughing after running around, at night, or after exposure to cold (if it's asthma) Cough ...
How do you treat low libido? We asked experts to identify some of the common culprits for low sex drive in women, plus their best strategies to help rev it back up.
Dry air irritates your nasal passages, exacerbating sinusitis symptoms. A humidifier releases moisture into the air, hydrating your sinuses and relieving discomfort. This is especially useful during winter months or in dry climates. To prevent mold and bacteria buildup, clean the humidifier regularly ...
Colds & how to treat them Related services Cough & cold products Related articles Frequently asked questions What is a cold? A cold is a mild infection that affects your nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways. It can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headac...
trying not to stir up the dust into the air. Wash the cat's bedding weekly and dry it on high heat to get rid of any dust mites. You'll also want to change the litter. Your cat could be allergic to the litter if they're creating a dust cloud every time they go to the bathroom...
Radiation therapy used to treat head and neck cancers can also damage taste buds, as these are sensitive to radiation. Other related symptoms include dry mouth, sore mouth, and sore throat, all which can worsen the bitter taste in the mouth. ...
1. Moisturize The Air To Make Your Sinuses Smooth Dry air can always make your irritated sinuses swell and worsen pressure, resulting in bad headache. You should have a humidifier in your bedroom, and run it when the air is dry.
When you experience an allergy headache, you may feel them in any of these spaces within your sinuses. It may even feel like your face, rather than your head, is what really hurts. You may have pain in the cheeks that radiates to your jaw and teeth. You may feel pain on the top of...
• Wheezing in the chest or sinuses • Migraines What can you do to Prevent Seasonal Allergies? Some helpful tips to lessen symptoms are: • Avoid allergens during their peak. (i.e. avoid pollen in the mornings) • Keep your house dusted • Shower before bed • Close windows ...
All dug up and the septic was dry, the plumber backfilled this. (this was summer) I am so lost what to do and I am still convinced it';s something to do with the old septic causing the major leak. I can definitely smell septic/sewer gas very strong at times. Random wet spots ...