The last epidemic of dengue occurred in Delhi in 2003. During this epidemic, 2185 confirmed cases of dengue were reported. Dengue virus serotypes 2 and 3 were responsible for this epidemic. A 19-yr-old male presented to our hospital with......
which are essential to proper blood clotting. The finding could help scientists come up with new ways to treat dengue, says Jianzhu Chen, the Ivan R. Cottrell Professor of Immunology at MIT, a member of MIT's Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research...
They studied papaya leaves and found that papayas increase blood platelet count in people who have dengue. I'm not a doctor but I'm guessing this means that the immune system becomes stronger and is better able to fight the virus. I believe papaya can treat dengue. Most modern medicines ...
In addition, a mosquito can transmit several diseases, such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever, among others. Most of these diseases are difficult to treat and may have serious consequences (9). Allergic reaction to the saliva of the mosquito, which is injected into the body during a ...
Yes, malaria is known in parts of Thailand, particularly rural northern areas and border regions (see map– dark red indicates malarial regions). Dengue fever occurs across a wider region. Take greater precaution if headed to Thailand’s ‘back and beyond’ as mosquitoes in such parts of Thail...
Preventing dengue, which epidemiologists call a “neglected tropical disease,” was an enormous unmet need. There was no drug to prevent, treat, or cure the illness. And in the past half-century, as the virus swept from Southeast Asia to 128 countries, or roughly half the globe, cases had...
4. How to get rid of mosquitoes? It is widely known that adult mosquitoes can infect the ones whose blood they suck with deadly viruses—such as dengue fever, zika, yellow fever, and West Nile—and parasites that lead to fatal diseases like malaria and elephantiasis. ...
produce hard-to-treat wastewater because of high pH, salinity, the presence of organic solvent and the high load of carbon, organic solvents, heavy metals and ammonia (Zhao et al.2019). The distribution of pharmaceuticals in pharmaceutical wastewater can be described to be rather stable as the...
Dengue is surging in Brazil, prompting Rio de Janeiro to declare a public health emergency. (NYT) Deep dive: Environmental DNA could help provide an early warning of the next pandemic. (Undark) NYT Stay connected Illustration by Rose Wong ...
Monitor and Reapply: Treat known mosquito breeding grounds and check the areas for larvae afterwards to ensure effectiveness. Bti products typically provide protection lasting between 1 to 30 days, depending on environmental conditions. Boost protection by re-applying Bti based on prevailing environmental...