Carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide are all examples of chemicals produced in fires that interfere with the use of oxygen by the cell during the production of energy. If either the delivery of oxygen or the use of oxygen is inhibited, cells will die. Carbon monoxide poison...
Sodium thiosulfate and sodium nitrite are medications used as antidotes to treat acute cyanide poisoning that is judged to be serious or life-threatening, in adults and children. Sodium thiosulfate is sequentially administered as an intravenous (IV) injection after sodium nitrite IV injection and the...
and also to treat certain diseases. Other antidotes are medications that are not categorized into any specific classes of antidotes. Other antidotes include several drugs which work in unique ways to neutralize the harmful effects of diverse types of toxic substances. ...
hypertension, and lead poisoning is more common, and it may also be an independent kidney disease. Kidney stones may be caused by increased excretion of uric acid. However, treatment with urate-lowering drugs cannot improve progressive renal insufficiency because it is not related to ...
Someone had opened the capsules and replaced the pain-relieving medicine with deadly doses of potassium cyanide. One of the most common over-the-counter pain relievers had been turned into a murder weapon. The 1982 Tylenol murders rocked the nation. The seven deaths were the top story in ...
Other sources say that 8 kernels per day are the recommended amount, while the European Food Safety Authority recommends keeping your intake to only 3 apricot seeds per day to reduce the risk of cyanide poisoning. If you notice any unwanted side effects, such as dizziness, headache, or an ...
The most infamous Halloween poisoning took place on October 31, 1974. That’s when a Texas man named Ronald O’Bryangavecyanide-laced pixie sticks to five children, including his son. The other children never ate the candy, but his eight-year-old son, Timothy, did—and died soon after. ...
Cyanide pills if you ever want to top yourself painlessly If you’re stuck above ground during a nuclear attack and don’t happen to have a basement in your home or a spare$230,800 in your bank account to buythis guy’s bomb bunker, you’re better off staying indoors away from window...
"A good story and first-rate social science."―New York Times Book Review.A sinisterly funny modern-dayThrough the Looking Glassthat begins with cyanide poisoning and ends in strawberry ice cream. "My story, the story of 'how I became a nun,' began very early in my life; I had just...
Although humans love rhubarb pies, the sweet treat can cause kidney failure in dogs due to an antinutrient called oxalic acid. The substancecreates crystals in the urinary tractand can cause the kidneys to shut down. Signs of rhubarb poisoning can include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors,...