In large arteries, the VSMCs contract to maintain the normal shape of the artery during systolic ejection period. On the other hand, VSMCs in small resistance arteries are responsible for regulating blood flow distribution, reducing the diameter of the small resistance artery [5]. VSMCs contra...
The sternum: The sternum — or breastbone — protects your heart, lungs and portions of your major arteries from external forces. The sternum starts off as different sections that fuse over time into one unified piece. The sternum also provides stability to the ribs. The ribs: These flat bon...
(Above) CAT scans of the Coronary Arteries. The left image shows a normal coronary artery (red arrows), while the right image shows a heavily calcified coronary artery (white line outlined by red arrows) indicating high risk for coronary artery disease and heart attack. All About Coronary Calc...
Omega-3 fatty acids are the chemical precursors of SPMs, specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators which help resolve inflammation. We know that cardiovascular events are driven by chronic inflammation in the walls of arteries, often mediated by insulin resistance. Chronic inflammation contributes to ath...
Prof. Steiner:An increasing number of patients are presenting with distal BTA disease, particularly among those with diabetes and ESRD. We must acknowledge that distal embolization can be a concern during endovascular interventions, potentially impacting the pedal arteries as well. We also know tha...
HOW TO TREAT | DE NOVO LESIONS ILIAC ARTERIES Dr. Gable: How do you approach treatment of iliac disease? Dr. Samson:I usually use a bare-metal stent, but if I’m going to try to redo the bifurcation, I like to use covered stents because I know I’m going to want to come o...
On the frontal view, most of the hila shadows represent the left and right pulmonary arteries. The left pulmonary artery is always more superior than the right, making the left hilum higher. Look for calcified lymph nodes in the hilar, which may be caused by an old tuberculosis infection....