Children are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of antifreeze, and consequently several swallows may be ingested before an accidental ingestion is discovered.doi:10.1007/BF03264989NoneSpringer International PublishingReactions
When it comes to food poisoning, for example, symptoms can manifest anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after ingestion. So if your pup has eaten tainted meat, keep a close eye on him for the next few hours. Meat contaminated with salmonella, for instance, can cause symptoms like...
said Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director for the APCC. Outdoor cats are also at risk. "Maybe the only source of water that isn't frozen has antifreeze in it," she said. Ingestion can lead to seizures and kidney failure.
The most dangerous poisonous culprits include medicines, cleaning products, liquid nicotine, antifreeze and windshield-wiper fluid, pesticides, gasoline, kerosene and lamp oil, among others. The effects of these and many other various poisons are so varied that it is often a challenge to discern ...