Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, also called ulcerative disease, is a sharply circumscribed loss of the tissue lining those parts of the digestive tract exposed to gastric juice containing acid and pepsin.HU Xian-guoYuan'an County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yuan'an,Hubei 444200,...
There can be skin ulcers too. Now it is not easy to treat an ulcer completely using home remedies but you can try out a few well recommended remedies that can be done at your home. In this article we bring to you a list of home remedies that can be done in case of ulcers. ...
This problem can result from some common causes including indigestion, gas, heartburn, constipation, overeating, lactose intolerance, and a stomach infection. However, stomach pain may also be caused by more serious problems such as an ulcer, a hernia, a urinary tract infection, appendicitis, and...
Nausea is an uncomfortable sensation in the back of the throat, middle of the chest, or top of your stomach. It is often accompanied by the urge to vomit but doesn't always lead to vomiting. The sensation may be dull and lingering or come on suddenly and severely. Although nausea is no...
or gastrointestinal (GI) tract includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, and anus.Bleeding can come from one or more of these areas — from a small area, such as an ulcer on the lining of the stomach, or from a broader problem, such as inflammation of the colon....
How to Get Rid of a Stomachache in 5 Minutes OTC medications can sometimes help to quickly relieve a stomachache. The right medications depend on your symptoms. Abdominal bloating and gas: Simethicone, found in Gas-X, Maalox, and Mylanta, helps to treat gas pain, pressure, and bloating.17...
How to treat bee, wasp and hornet stings: Remove the stinger:First, make sure no stinger is present in the skin. Bee stingers have an attached sack that continues injecting bee venom, so promptly remove the stinger. The old advice that one must scrape the stinger out has been disproven, ...
an ulcer is literally a hole in your skin tissue. alum is a powerful astringent. this means literally, “to pull together”. the astringent pulls together the skin to close the ulcer. tannin from tea or red wine is also astringent, but I make sure you get highly powdered alum. if ...
Learn what medical treatments can help ease your mouth ulcer and blister symptoms and speed up your recovery. What to know about canker sores and treatments for canker sore pain relief. Lasers in Dental Care Dentists use lasers to remove tooth decay, treat gum disease, biopsy tissue, and white...
The indicator looks only at downside risk, not overall volatility.Other volatility measures, like standard deviation, treat up and down movement equally, but a trader typically does not mind upward movement; it is the downside that causes stress and stomach ulcers, as the index's name suggests....