Medically known as a furuncle, a boil on your dog may require veterinary attention. A furuncle is an infected hair follicle. They will feel like a lump of fluid that is pressing against your dog's skin. This fluid is pus, and it indicatesa localized bacterial infectionthat can be very ...
Clindamycin is an antibiotic gel that's often used for HS. Ask your doctor about it. Pain Medicines Blocked hair follicles can really hurt. This can make it hard to do daily activities. The best way to treat your pain is to get your HS under control. But in the meantime, your doctor...
There are manyscientific studieswhich have examined the health benefits of prostate massage. For a long time, doctors actually recommended prostate massage to patients because it could help totreat a wide range of conditionsthat we’ll talk about below. ...
A furuncle, also known as boil, is a skin infection involving an entire hair follicle and nearby skin tissue. Furuncles are very common and can be single or multiple. Furuncles can occur in the hair follicles anywhere on the body but they are most common on the face, neck, armpit, ...
Boilsarered,swollen,painfulbumpsundertheskin.Often,theyformwhenahairfollicle getsinfected.Theinfectionformsanabscessorpocketofpus,sometimesgrowinglarger thanaping-pongball.Aboilcanbeextremelypainful. Prevention Thebestwaystopreventboilsaretoavoidwearingtightclothingandtowashboil-prone ...
Comedones that stay closed at the surface of the skin are called whiteheads. This happens when oil and skin cells prevent a clogged hair follicle from opening. Many of the same over-the-counter medicines that treat blackheads are also effective against whiteheads. ...
Folliculitis is also caused by chafing. But in this case, the irritation occurs at the base of the hair follicle, and leads to infection. In this age of Brazilian body waxes, infected hair follicles are common. This is because waxing removes a protective layer of hair from the body. If ...
So if it truly is an armpit fungus, antibiotics will not cure it. Antibiotics are for bacteria, not fungi. Also, fungal infections that include any kind of hair follicle usually do not respond 100 percent to skin creams. Oral anti- fungal meds are usually the best way to go. After readi...
Gettingingrown hairsor razor bumps, where the hair is growing in the skin often happens from using the razor. Because the end of the hair is supposed to be facing out, not in, skin often getsinfected. It then can turn into a mega-looking zit, often a whitehead, on top of the bump....
Different Types of Hair Loss The three most common types of hair loss arealopecia areata,alopecia androgeneticaandtelogen effluvium. None of these conditions has to be permanent. Hair can regrow if you can find out why it fell out in the first place and then treat the underlying cause in a...