Did you know you can treat acne with banana peels? Just rub the peel on your skin to get rid of acne, old scars, and even fine lines and wrinkles!
Corns usually form on the top of the foot, sometimes on a toe, while calluses appear on the bottom. How do I treat corns and calluses? Mild corns and calluses don’t usually need treatment and will go away on their own. But there are some things you can do to help them go away ...
A plantar wart can be seen on this foot in a common position on the heel. Warts are caused by the DNA-containing human papillomavirus (HPV). There are at least 100 genetically different types of HPVs. The virus enters the skin after direct contact with recently shed viruses kept alive in...
An apophysitis is inflammation of the growth plate in the heel seen in children. Learn about its occurrence and how to treat the condition
How to treat foot pain with the help of a specialist Everyone’s feet hurt from time to time, whether it’s because of a sprained ankle, a long day on our feet or an extra-long hike we took. But if you have certain foot conditions, pain can flare up on a regular basis. And some...
Hand, foot, and mouth disease while pregnant How to prevent hand, foot, and mouth disease Here’s a video! Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: What It Is & How to Treat It Naturally What is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease? Hand, foot, and mouth, also calledcoxsackie virus, is an infection ...
How to Treat Dry Skin on Feet To treat conditions like athlete's food, try prescription meds like Lotrimin or Lamisil. OTC creams work in about 50 percent of the cases. You can try to treat athlete's foot yourself, but if you notice cracks in the skin, a symptom of a more advanced...
When I was in Poland to find distributors for the Polish version of my first book back in 2014, I happened to visit one of my relatives who was wearing a heavy winter coat on a warm spring day. In speaking with her, I was able to tell that she was experiencing a great number of ...
“ With its bulbous shape, tiny wings and laid-back demeanor, the wart hoggish Gronckle is proving to be a fan favorite.He is a series of round balls, including warts. He’s just lazy, cantankerous and grumpy, and that makes you like him even better. The critter is known to doze off...