Abnormal vaginal bleeding does not respond to other treatments andanemiadevelops because of blood loss. Other problems are found or suspected, including: Endometrial hyperplasia. Uterine fibroids. Endometriosis. Uterine prolapse. Gynecological cancers, such as cancer of the cervix, the ovary, or the li...
HysterectomyIncreasingly, uterine preservation surgeries are being performed for treating apical prolapse. Several types of procedures and surgical approaches to correct apical prolapse have been described in...doi:10.1007/s00192-018-3685-4Anglim Breffini...
How to treat colds and sinus infections - Howdini 25 of 30 Commonly Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening - Howdini 26 of 30 How Teeth Whitening Works - Howdini 27 of 30 How To Avoid Catching Or Spreading A Cold - Howdini 28 of 30 How To Choose A Prenatal Caregiver - Howdini ...
After a C-section, the general recommendation is to avoid lifting "anything heavier than your baby for the first six to eight weeks," according toMount Sinai. Lifting heavy objects can hinder the healing process. During a C-section, your doctor has to cut through many tissue layers in your...
May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes Increases your energy Improves your mood Helps with concentration Improves your posture Promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance Helps you sleep better Improves your ability to cope with the pain of labor ...
The main goals and basic principles of postpartum pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation are to improve pelvic floor muscle contractility, prevent and treat PFD, and improve the quality of sexual life. In 1940, Dr. Arnold Kegal proposed Kegal training to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and reduce the...
What are the different types of anemias? Compare the causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatments of different types of anemia in a table. State and explain which type of anemia you think is the most difficult to treat. ...
as well as cells with varying p53 status...Honokiol takes on even ‘incurable’ cancersB-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is one of the toughest cancers to treat and beat... astudy5found that honokiol sets off the death cycle of these cancer cells, and that the extract was more...