but just one misstep can have you limping back to the trailhead.Injured ankles are one of the most common hiking mishaps,but they are preventable. Because of how frequently they happen in the backcountry, learning how to treat a sprained ankle—and even avoid it outright—...
How would you handle a stovetop burn, aspider bite, or a child’s scrape from a fall? Minor injuries happen every day, and most are easy to treat at home. But to handle them quickly and calmly, you need to know what to do and have the right supplies. Building a First Aid Kit How...
or lower leg bone, at one end and to the bottom of the fifth metatarsal at the base of the little toe. Injuries to this tendon can be caused by overuse or repetitive motion, such as running; by ankle sprains; or by degenerative processes. If you suffer a torn tendon, you will need ...
How to treat a sprained ankle in dogs If you suspect an ankle sprain on your pet, call your veterinarian to schedule an appointment and confirm it's OK to apply a cold ice pack to the ankle in the meantime. Allow your dog to rest as much as they see fit before the veterinary appoint...
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the Achilles tendon is a fibrous band in the back of your heel that connects your leg muscles to bone. When you exercise, this tendon is prone to trauma and overuse, especially if you take part in
by having tight calf muscles because the calf muscle group attaches to the heel bone, spanning the distance from the back of the knee through the ankle to the bottom of the foot. If the Achilles tendon or calf muscles are tight, you will have a limited range of ankle dorsiflexion mobility...
We call it a “pulled” muscle, but really it’s astrain—a muscle or tendon injury that happens when the tissue is torn or overstretched.1Not to be confused with asprain, which happens when a ligament (a band of tissue that attaches bones, muscles, and organs) is torn or overstretched...
What Are the Symptoms of a Torn Tendon in the Shoulder? Symptoms of a shoulder tendon tear or rotator cuff tear may include dull pain, tenderness, swelling, weakness, or stiffness. What Is the Fastest Way to Heal a Frozen Shoulder? While the fastest way to heal a frozen shoulder differs ...
If you don’t treat an ankle fracture, your ankle may not heal properly. This can increase your chance of developing bone problems – like arthritis or a permanent foot deformity – that cause chronic pain and make it difficult to walk. ...
Treatment for a strained neck muscle usually involves the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), followed up with physical therapy. For serious strained neck muscle, immobilizing the muscle with a cast can be treatment. Learn what medical treat