This is a common reaction often used by someone who is very close to the person with Alzheimer's. Sometimes, subconsciously, it may be easier to believe that your loved one is intentionally doing things to bother or hurt you than to accept that he's unable to control his actions and that...
Alzheimer diseasecholinesterase inhibitorclinical trialdementiadonepezilgalantaminerivastigminesymptomsAn introduction is presented in which the editor discusses various articles within the issue on topics including effectiveness of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) to treat people with dementia, importance of ...
Exposures to Synthetic Estrogens at Different Times During the Life, and Their Effect on Breast Cancer Risk Women are using estrogens for many purposes, such as to prevent pregnancy or miscarriage, or to treat menopausal symptoms. Estrogens also have been used to... L Hilakivi-Clarke,SD Assis...
As a disease resulting in the loss of high cognitive functions, the Alzheimer’s disease affects brain cells and the nervous system of the body. A better understanding of the neurotransmitter, drug use to treat the disorder, and the possible side effects will bring reasoning to the possible act...
There is no cure for Alzheimer's, but there are treatments—from cognitive enhancers to non-drug approaches—to help manage it. Learn about the options.
Compared with the development of new drugs to treat other diseases, "Alzheimer'sdrug developmentis more expensive, takes longer, and needs a larger sample of potential patients," Lo acknowledges. However, since the number of Americans suffering from Alzheimer's is projected to double by 2050, ac...
Besides being prescribed for depression, it is also used to treat anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder. 2. Inositol May Be Helpful for Depression
a difficult time accepting help, mistakenly believing they should do everything themselves. this attitude can be harmful not only to the caregiver, but also to the person who has alzheimer's. caregiver stress can lead to irritability, anger, exhaustion, social withdrawal, anxiety, depression and ...
Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how to MASSIVELY improve your memory so you canremember important conversations, what you read, and even learn new ski...
Alzheimer’s patients have levels of acetylcholine that arefar below normal. According to research scientist Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, author ofWhy Isn’t My Brain Working?, your brain will literally digest itself if you don’t provide it with enough healthy fats to make sufficient acetylcho...