Shin splints refer to an injury that involves the inflammation of the muscles, connective tissues, and bones tissues of the tibia (shin bone). The most common symptom of shin splints is pain, and this pain can either be a sharp or dull pain. Additionally, this pain is usually the worst ...
The ribs: These flat bones form a protective shield around your internal organs. There are 24 ribs, 12 on each side of your body. They come in three different types. From the top, the first seven sets of ribs aretrue ribs. They connect in the back to the spine and connect in the f...
I have a gorgeousmarket basketand it is perfect for hauling what I need up and down the stairs and leaving one hand free to grasp the railing. It’s also perfect for gathering up everything I need from my room/office/wherever to haul to wherever I am going to be in the house, so ...
Treat a broken big toe. Broken bones involving the big toe are harder to treat at home. Bone fragments can become dislodged, damage to ligaments or tendons may have occurred during the injury, and risks of infection and arthritis may be greater if the area does not heal properly. Consider ...
During the bone-healing phase, make sure your diet is rich in minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and boron, as well as vitamin D in order to promote bone strength. 3 Get a cast. If more than one toe is broken or other bones of the forefoot are injured (such as the metatarsals)...
Is it safe for me to do reflexology if I recently had surgery on a fractured fifth metatarsal and now have a pin in it? Jennifer Boidy, RN Registered Nurse Expert Answer It is advisable to avoid the surgical area until it has healed. You should consult with your doctor to find out ...