A. E. KarkR. BittnerJ. SchwarzG. S. FerzliG. E. Al-KhourySpringer Berlin HeidelbergBittner, R, Schwarz, J How to treat recurrent inguinal hernia: TAPP. In: Schumpelick, V, Fitzgibbons, RJ eds. (2007) Recurrent hernia prevention and treatment. Springer, Berlin, pp. 297-301...
Ask your healthcare provider how much is safe to lift. Do not place anything over your umbilical hernia. Do not place tape or a coin over the hernia. This treatment does not help treat a hernia.When should I seek immediate care?
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals – substances or mixtures that alter the function of the endocrine system in an unhealthy way – are found everywhere on our planet, exposing many living things, including people, to possible harm. These include a wide variety of c...
This problem can result from some common causes including indigestion, gas, heartburn, constipation, overeating, lactose intolerance, and a stomach infection. However, stomach pain may also be caused by more serious problems such as an ulcer, a hernia, a urinary tract infection, appendicitis, and...
Has the underdog champ become complacent? InRocky III, the “Italian Stallion” faces a new, younger and hungrier opponent with the perfect boxing name, Clubber Lang. That’ll sure get your attention ... that and his distinctive haircut, as Clubber was portrayed by none other the ‘80sA-...
“How to Give Up Alcohol” created by Rahul Nag is a “giving up alcohol” book that provides users with guides on how to give up alcohol quickly and easily. Besides, this book also reveals users the easiest and fastest way to quit drinking and then get their life back on track. The ...
I did an A+ job at beating myself up, which only added to the extreme sadness of not being active each time I made myself suffer. But that was then and this is now. I now have wisdom that has changed the way I treat my body. I have proven that I can be gentle to myself but...
There’s a different problem that he’s dealing with: the tendency of the Gulf States to treat their immigrant workers as third-class residents. Certain places (UAE and Kuwait, e.g.) have only a 30% native citizen population, so you have something like 60-70% of the country with little...
How can you recognize and treat a poison ivy rash? Learn how to recognize a posion ivy rash with Board Certified Allergist., Dr. Alan O. Khadavi. 1m What are the symptoms of hives and how can you recognize them? Learn the symptoms of hives and how to recognzize them with Board Ce...
Umbilical hernia repair in patients with cirrhosis: who, when and how to treatAbdominal herniaUmbilical herniaCirrhosisAscitesTIPSHernia repairLiver transplantationSurgical techniqueHernia - Hernia management in patients with cirrhosis is a challenging problem, where indication, timing and type of surgery ...