Machine translation, also called automated translation, translates the content on a page from one language to another using artificial intelligence. Google Translate, for example, uses a neural machine translation system to convert text on a page into other languages. ...
In Google Chrome browser, you can easily translate a web page into English or other preferred languages. If you go to a website in another language, Chrome browser will pop up a request to ask you if you want to translate the page. You can also customize Chrome to always translate pages...
An alternative to human translation ismachine translation(MT), which is where you use a computer program to translate the text on your site automatically. This has the advantage of being much faster and cheaper than human translation, but the downside is that it’s often not as accurate. Bene...
Hit the button to the right and turn it ON, and you are done. Now every time you land on a webpage with a foreign language, Google will offer you the translate option, and you can translate the entire website in just one click. Go to the webpage you want to translate, right-click...
Chrome will now reload the web page in English as shown below and notify you about it. You can switch back to the original language by tapping on “Show Original” in the pop-up. Now you’ve learned how to translate web pages using the Chrome app for iPhone and iPad, and it’s a ...
In case you want to translate a web page to any other language other than the default one, Chrome allows you to do so as well. Here’s how: 1.Open theGoogle Translate windowon your Chrome and then click on thekebab menu(3 dots icon). ...
newgoogle.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage:'en'},'google_translate_element'); } And you are ready to translate the content of your page: Example <!DOCTYPEhtml> My Web Page Hello everybody! Translate this page: functiongoogle...
4.Now, go to that website you want to translate, and when it loads, you will see a pop-up at the top asking you to translate the page. 5.Select your default language and the web page will be translated accordingly. If the pop-up doesn’t come up, you can right-click anywhere in...
Microsoft Edge works a little differently, but you can still change your language on web pages displayed in the Edge browser. How to Translate a Page on Firefox Unlike some browsers, Firefox doesn't come with a translation tool built-in. You'll need to install one via a Firefox add-on....
Now, when you visit a web page that you want to translate, you can right-click on it and selectTranslate this page.This will open Google Translate. Another option is to change your Firefox settings. You can do this by clicking on the menu in the top right and navigating toSettings>Langu...