How to store items on your ship inStarfield To move items to your ship’s cargo hold, you will use either theCargo Hold Panelon your ship or theShip sectionof themain menu.Both will allow you to transfer goods to and from the ship. It is important to remember that you can sell goods...
There are many options when decidingwhat to do with contraband inStarfield.Once players have made it onto the planet safely, they will then have to decide where to sell the extremely valuable items. In the early stages of the game, there may only be a single...
Equip the jetpack through the Inventory's Packs option, then use it by double-pressing and holding the jump key (Spacebar for PC, Y for Xbox) to navigate planets more effectively. Jetpacksare the go-to method for traversing planets inStarfield. And while you might expect such an essential ...
That might seem like a pretty big oversight on the part of Endnight Games,Sons of the Forest’s developer. However, it makes a little more sense when you factor in howSons of the Forest‘s inventory system works. Related:How to Cheat at Sons of the Forest ...