If you receive any income from outside South Africa, you might need to move money between accounts which use different currencies. Doing this through your bank is often a costly choice. As well as a charge for processing the transaction, the exchange rate used is usually far from favourable....
aNedbank. Great news! No fee increases in 2014. Be more savvy with your money. For tips on how to save more on fees go to nedbank.co.za. Nedbank。 了不起的新闻! 2014年没有费增量。 是精明与您的金钱。 为技巧关于怎样保存更多在费去nedbank.co.za。 [translate] ...
According to a Vodacom press release, M-PESA is a fast, safe and easy way to transfer money from person to person and is a revolutionary way of making cellphone technology work to serve a basic need common to millions of South Africans. Vodacom and Nedbank expects M-PESA to repeat inSout...