要获得基于需求的联邦助学金或有资格参加联邦勤工俭学项目,你就必须完成免费的学生援助申请,或称为 FAFSA。You'll need to complete the FAFSA for every year that you're enrolled in school and want to receive federal financial aid.你需要完成每一年在学注册后的 FAFSA 申请,以获取联邦财政援助。Lots o...
These jurisdictions may require undocumented students to complete a financial aid application. Virginia, for instance, offers the Virginia Alternative State Aid application to determine eligibility for state need-based financial assistance among students who are ineligible to complete the FAF...
FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Learn who is eligible to complete this application, the application's requirements, and...
TheFAFSAopens on December 31 for the 2024-2025 academic year and is a government form that helps determine your eligibility for federal aid. Schools and the government use the FAFSA to see how much financial support you could get to fund your education, such as federal student loans, grants,...
Will I be able to transfer credits back to my home institution? This is for those who are studying abroad going for a semester or year and not for the entire degree. Some schools might be quite strict about what study abroad credits they will count towards your degree, particularly when it...
GPA also matters for students looking to transfer to a more competitive program or another college. Students who struggle prior to transferring can have a tougher time getting admitted to certain colleges. Others who need to retake classes they failed may have to "play catch up" to avoid stayi...
Note: Apply early It’s still important to get your FAFSA application in as quickly as possible, as many of the federal aid programs operate on a first-come, first-serve basis.
See also: Complete Guide to Financial Aid and the FAFSA How to Appeal for More Financial Aid To appeal for more financial aid for college, follow these steps: 1. Call the college financial aid office to ask about the financial aid appeal process Depending on the college, the appeals process...
Applying for financial aid is much like explaining sex to your kid. Here's what you need to know about the birds and the bees of the process.
READ: How Financial Aid Appeals Work Due to Coronavirus. "The resources at most colleges are going to be limited," Anderson says. But he suggests families submit appeals for more financial aid if there is a gap or consider having the student transfer to another college, noting that students ...