Cricut mugsare SO popular — mytutorial on how to put vinyl on mugshas nearly a million views! But one question I keep getting over and over is how to seal the mugs after you apply the vinyl. Most people don’t bother to seal their mugs as permanent vinyl usually does well enough on...
While you can’t reuse DIY stencils made using Cricut’s stencil vinyl, the great results you get make it worth the single-use for me. Even on a dimpled and imperfect surface. To really put vinyl stencils to the test, I cut a few large leaf shapes and tried them out on cheap concret...
How To Make Tumblers: Cut vinyl design with Cricut machine. Weed excess vinyl from around the outsides and the insides of the design. Put transfer tape down onto the design and burnish (A.K.A. rub) with your thumb or the back of a weeding tool. Make sure it is good and stuck. ...
In case you want to have this as a gift or giveaway, check this tutorial video on how to make a personalized box for your beaded pen with Cricut:Method 4: Get Creative With Glitters and VinylGlitter pens are making a huge comeback. They look extravagant and classy in many ways. ...
Peel back the transfer tape and the vinyl should stay on the glass frame. The finished personalized frame looks so great!!! Don't those rolled paper flowers look amazing under the glass? This one is for my Mother-in-Law, but I had to make one for my mom too! This time, I did the...
How to Create Custom T-shirts Using Cricut Explore and Heat Transfer Vinyl: This is an easy tutorial for getting your designs on your t-shirt using heat transfer and Cricut. You can watch the video of the project here. Things you'll need: 1. Cricut Explo
I considered all kinds of options for creating the squares – cutting squares out of fabric and gluing them on, using my Cricut machine to cut adhesive vinyl to size, using washi tape to create grid lines on the paper. But in the end I went for the easiest solution…a black Sharpie pen...
Cricut premium vinyl in any color. I usedyellowfor the Happiness sign andblackfor the Santa sign Cricuttransfer tape mat(the 12″ x 12″ size) A way to cut your vinyl for the stencil (I used theamazing Cricut Maker cutting machine!) ...
Heat transfer vinyl comes with a carrier sheet on top (similar to transfer tape, but it can withstand high heat from a heat press, iron, or Cricut EasyPress). Whenever you cut heat transfer vinyl the carrier sheet (shiny side) will be facedown on your mat. You also have to mirror the...
Cricut Premium Vinyl or Cricut Smart Vinyl (Joy only) Cricut Joy Standard Grip Mat Cricut Transfer Tape Hook and Scraper Tool Glass Canister Pantry Label Design Space Files Step One: Pantry Label Design Space File Grab your pantry label file here. Measure the canister your are placing them on...