All modernKobo devicescan download from the OverDrive library service directly, without the separate Libby app. To begin, turn on your Kobo and make sure it is connected to Wi-Fi. Once ready, follow the steps to borrow e-books from your public library using your Kobo device: From the Kob...
Note: All Kindle books are protected by DRM sheme which prevent us from backing up Kindle books to our computer.Epubor Ultimate, the besteBook DRM Removal&eBook converter, can not only help you remove the DRM from books purchased from Amazon, Google play, Kobo and Nook, but also convert e...
You can read your converted PDF books on Adobe supported devices, such as Kobo Aura, Sony eReader, etc. Just copy them with the USB cable. But there is an important thing you should keep in mind thatit would be better to make your eReaders be authorized with the same Adobe account(the...
Here’s quick links to today’s and . Use the box below to search for other eBooks to read on your Kindle. Type the title, author, or subject in the search box below or click any book and go from there. Other Places for Epub Books Look for EPub books at: Google Books,