Starring: Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, Gerard Butler, Kristen Wiig, Kit Harington, Christopher Mintz-Plasse Director: Dean DeBlois IMDb Info TechInfo: .Plot TAGLINE……….: How to Train Your Dragon 2 GENRE………: Animation | Action ...
I like watching TV series or Cartoons with En subtitles cuz it makes me think in English. Music is great for improving vocabulary but if I wanna improve my pronuciation or intonation then I choose something else. Also great is to speed up or slow down music or movies. It can really tr...
People aren’t going to do your work for you; the easier you make it for them to understand the subject, the more likely you are to draw in the people who’d find your book interesting. A good test is to ask yourself this: If you were to tell someone the title of your book at ...
Netflix:Netflix is known for its vast collection of movies and TV shows, and luckily for Harry Potter fans, the streaming giant has acquired the rights to the films in certain regions. Make sure to check your local Netflix library to see if the Harry Potter movies are available for stream...