Plan enough time for all your presenters, moderators, and producers to train on the tools they'll be using before the actual event. As you'll have a diverse event team, all your training materials need to be accessible. The training should also help presen...
Adults feel shame at not being able to do what for everyone else seems so easy. Children can lose confidence and can be bullied. Dyslexia is estimated to affect some 10% of the population. How can Fast ForWord help? The good news is dyslexic brains can be “rewired”! Fast ForWord ...
x You DOn't Have to live your life the way others expect. Here's How Use the $100 Startup model for creating personal freedom without spending a lot of money Become a travel hacker and visit every country in the world (or just go anywhere you want) Learn how other people (from many...
The answer is NO, because his supervisor would ask him to train the student to pass the exam, he had to do that. But passing does not constitute mastery. I have been trained to be quiet in the classroom, and will not speak above a whisper — not the best trait in a language ...
To what extent will a neurobiological theory of visual word recognition that considers the full patterns of brain connectivity and interactivity provide insights into domain-general mechan- isms shared by other related abilities such as object recognition? recently become possible to train networks ...
I was so incompetent at this job that when currencies went wild after the Berlin Wall fell, I lost a few million dollars for a few violent traders. The only possible reason to keep a dyslexic, literary, arbitrage clerk around was because she was good looking. But I wasn't good looking ...
Related to using a calendar, planning your day can help you use your time more efficiently, which can sometimes be a challenge for people with dyslexia. Think about the quickest and most logical way of doing things. This allows you to spend more time on tasks that take you a little longer...