When dogs receive adequate physical and mental exercise, they’re more likely to rest at home. Opt for plenty of walks throughout the day or an indoor dog treadmill for times when walking isn’t suitable. Your dog has plenty of energy to expend, so you should make sure they get plenty ...
Exercise your corgi daily because dogs that don't bark a lot get plenty of exercise to keep them calm. While exercising doesn't directly train your corgi to stop barking, it does wear off any excess energy your pooch may have. An abundance of energy running through a dog that isn't let...
Aggression is a very common behavioral problem in pet dogs which many dog guardians struggle with. An aggressive dog can be dangerous and a liability in the event she hurts a person or another animal. The good news is that aggressive behavior can be successfully modified using a combination of...
Just like you wouldn’t ask a person to go through life without talking, you can’t expect your dog to take a vow of silence. However, you can train to set some limits. Learning the Reason Behind the Bark Before you can address nuisance barking, you have to identify the reason behind ...
Getting a dog used to a crying baby is something that is best done before the baby has arrived home. If you missed out, remedial exposure may help out.
When it comes to the more “technical” side of dog training, you need to learn about hand signals, reward systems, and voice commands. You may also need to teach pet owners how to do all these properly, so they can train their dogs at home and establish a routine. ...
Some dogs need help transitioning from using pee pads to only going outdoors. Whether you've just adopted an adult dog that needs some potty training or your adult dog is suddenly having accidents inside, read on for reasons why this might be happening and how to house train your adult dog...
Dogs & Dog Breeds Flooding Therapy for Dog Behavior Issues: Does It Work? By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBST Mar 11, 2023 United States Politics MAGA v. WOKE By Angie B WilliamsFeb 26, 2025 Dogs & Dog Breeds How to Train Your Dog to Go to the Bathroom on Command ...
How to Train Your Dog Not to Bark Unnecessarily Unnecessary barking is a dog owner's… lisha42 Barking How to Stop Dog Barking Stop Dog Barking Most dogs whine, howl, and bark at times, but some dogs take… lisha42 Barking Stop Puppy Barking – Restore Peace to Your Home Stop Pup...
Barking at others Growling at others Lunging at others The 12 Tips on How to Train a Leash-Reactive Dog Ready to help your favorite canine deal better with being on a leash? Here are some tips that will aid you in your quest to get them to stop being leash-reactive!