While trademark registration is an important part of the process, there's more that you need to do to keep your trademark protection in good condition. Don't forget to take a look at our Trademark FAQ for more information. Don't Let Your Mark Become Generic! Use Your Trademark Properly ...
How much does it cost to own a trademark? The cost to obtain a trademark registration depends on a variety of factors, including the type of mark, the goods or services being protected, and the jurisdiction where the mark is being registered. Generally, the cost of a trademark registration ...
To get definitive answers to your trademark registration questions, it’s best to consult with a licensed trademark attorney. 1. Confirm the trademark is available When you have a unique idea about a name for your brand or products, it’s a good time to see whether the idea has already ...
How long does it take to register a trademark in China? What is the cost of trademark registration in China? Who can register a trademark in China? What does the trademark registration process in China look like? What does the trademark opposition process look like in China? How long does ...
Trademark registration can take six months to over a year. For businesses that want to differentiate themselves from competitors, a clever slogan can be a powerful tool. For this reason, slogans are a very important piece of intellectual property, and trademarking a slogan is an essential step ...
China ’s trademark registration is more rigorous than that of international trademark registration, because China ’s language involves many fields, and infringement will not occur if you are not careful, which also proves that China ’s trademark law is strict; of course, the practicality of t...
Do you have an intellectual property but don’t know how to register a trademark? Let us help you with the matter with our Trademark Registration Service. What is a Trademark? Trademarks are signs used by a business or trade to distinguish their goods or services from those of other players...
What is the trademark registration procedure in Indonesia? Filing of the application Trademarks must be filed through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Office (DGIP). The following documents will need to be submitted: Date, month, and year of the application; ...
Step 4: Trademark application process \u0026 nbsp; Click No. 1 The second \u0026 ldquo; Teas Reduced Fee form \u0026 rdquo; you can enter the page of trademark registration There are two needed to choose from, first One is the default \u0026 nbsp; ...
Post Registration Steps to Maintain Registration Once the trademark owner receives the registration certificate, the trademark owner must still take all necessary steps to maintain the registration going forward. The owner of a registration must file an Affidavit of Continued Use or...