How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Get It Right the First Time: Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls with an Appropriate Strategy Filing an International Trademark Can a Trademark for 'SEAL Team 6' Be Registered? Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Trademarking your phrase — which the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office describes as "a group of words that are used together in a fixed expression" — allows you a few rights: it protects your intellectual property, it gives you exclusive rights to use that phrase in commerce, it helps ...
While some slogans or phrases have been famous, most possibly do not satisfy the trademark registration requirements. Slogans are memorable
A trademark protects slogans used in commerce, not decorative phrases. Conduct a trademark search to ensure the slogan is unique. The slogan must be distinctive, not merely descriptive. USPTO filing fees range from $250 to $350 per class. Trademark registration can take six months to over a ...
scope of trademark protection, so long as the words or phrases in question are not generic for the types of products or services being provided. After all, how else would TIME (the magazine), SHELL (the energy giant), and CATERPILLAR (the equipment manufacturer) get their trademark ...
A trademark is a design, word, phrase, symbol, or logo (or a combination of these things) that identifies your business. It is a recognizable mark which differentiates your business from others in the market. A trademark signals to others that it is your intellectual property of which you ...
First things first — is it even worth your time filing for a trademark to begin with? To find out, you need to know what can and cannot be trademarked. For instance, things that can be trademarked include: Brand names Product names Phrases and slogans Symbols and logos Fictional character...
Trademarks and service marks protect words, phrases, symbols, designs, logos, names, or any combination of these elements. Registering a trademark or service mark protects the business and reassures the public that it is verified and trustworthy. To register a trademark, contact your local tradem...
you can't trademark generic words or phrases unless that word or phrase isn't commonly used in your industry. Apple, for example, can trademark the use of the word apple to sell phones and computers. However, if they ran an apple store, they couldn't just call i...
How to get a trademark FAQ Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial When you start a business or develop a product, it’s important to take steps to both differentiate your brand from others in the market and protect your intellectual property rights. Establishing source ide...