This is where working with a trademark attorney offers some benefit. An attorney can guide you through the design process to ensure that the logo is unique enough for trademark approval. At the same time, you can focus on creating a logo that aligns with your company’s vision. Once complet...
Learn how to trademark a logo with this comprehensive guide. Explore the steps, costs, and legal benefits of protecting your brand identity.
First of all, make sure that a logo can be a combination of words and design. It doesn’t have to have graphical elements to it beyond a stylized set of letters. You also need to take note that applying for a trademark in the US does not protect your trademarked logo in other countr...
A trademark is a design, word, phrase, symbol, or logo (or a combination of these things) that identifies your business. It is a recognizable mark which differentiates your business from others in the market. A trademark signals to others that it is your intellectual property of which you ...
TRADEMARK IPR To obtain brand trademark intellectual property rights, to have more legal rights to develop brand business, to gain intangible assets for business investment, to encourage and support creativity and innovation, YiQi provides trademark registration and relevant services worldwide, especially ...
How to copyright / trademark a logo. Understand the difference between copyright and trademark law in terms of your logo and business name.
Logo: Should you apply for the name or logo, or both? In most cases, there are two different ways to trademark a logo that contains wording: A word mark application to register the wording, also known as standard characters; or A design mark application to register the stylized logo. ...
Trademarks can be wordmarks, design marks, or a combination of both. Conducting a thorough trademark search is crucial to avoid conflicts and ensure availability. Pro Tip:As you embark on your logo trademarking journey, consider using ourlogo makerto create a unique and memorable logo that stand...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
When you embark on your own logo design process, you’ve got to do it right. Learn how to design a logo in this comprehensive step-by-step guide.