You certainly don’t have to register the copyright and trademark your company’s name or logo. In the United States, you own the copyright as soon as you put original work on a piece of paper or computer drive, and you win a trademark as soon as you use your name and logo for mark...
You don’t have to register a trademark to create a business website in the United States. If you have a smallpersonal blogor asmall business sitewithout plans to expand, your creative works are already protected by copyright. However, if you do business in multiple states and plan to grow...
It depends on the situation. Trademarking is the process of registering a brand name, logo, slogan, or other mark that identifies a product or service. Registering a trademark is a legal way to protect your brand and prevent others from using it. On the other hand, registering your business...
How to Trademark a Restaurant Name Determine if your restaurant is eligible for a "use based application". If your restaurant is already in business under the name you are registering, then you can claim ownership of the trademark name, if no one already owns it because you are already using...
I'm a designer with over 10 years of experience. Get your logo fixed for a flat rate in just 3 days! Fix your logo How to copyright / trademark a logo. Understand the difference between copyright and trademark law in terms of your logo and business name. Your brand name was chosen, ...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
A trademark ensures your business name stays one-of-a-kind. Learn how to trademark a business name with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.The trademark application process can be complicated, so you need to know what the United States Patent
The startup filed a lawsuit against Facebook alleging trademark infringement, and as a result, Facebook changed its financial services name and logo design. If Current didn’t have priority over a trademark, they never would’ve been able to do anything about the infringement. The similarity be...
1. Determine If a Trademark Is Right for You First things first — is it even worth your time filing for a trademark to begin with? To find out, you need to know what can and cannot be trademarked. For instance, things that can be trademarked include: Brand names Product names Phrases...
. Trademark law, on the other hand, protects words, slogans, logos, etc., which are distinctive and serve to distinguish products in the marketplace and identify their source. While the two seem generally unrelated, there are instances where trademarks and copyrights can be used in conjunction...