A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or ...
Law:Having a trademark attached to your logo enables you to take legal action against anyone who uses your design without permission. While I hope it never happens to you, if you do take someone to court for trademark infringement, the law is on your side. Money:Again, hopefully it never ...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
(three) if a trademark applying for registration is challenged, if the applicant (that is, the dissenter) refuses to accept the registration of the Trademark Office, it may apply to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for reexamination within 15 days from the date of receipt of the no...
For a slogan to qualify for trademark protection, it must be used in a commercial context and be distinctive. This use does not have to be immediate but can be planned for the near future. The phrase should not be generic or merely descriptive of the product or service. Instead, it shoul...
The TMCH is not a trademark office. To register with the Trademark Clearinghouse, visit their website at https://secure.trademark-clearinghouse.com/tmch/public/contract What types of marks are eligible for inclusion in the TMCH? Four types of trademarks or service marks are eligible for ...
How to Register a Trademark and Patent a Business Name A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider, and to indicate the source of the goods or...
the United States Patent and Trademark Office will reject the application. So not only do you have to look for exact matches of your mark, but you also have to look out for marks that could be considered “confusingly similar”. This search is crucial to avoid a trademark infringement lawsu...
Are you a business owner trying to build your brand? Protecting your logo by registering it as a trademark with the USPTO is a critical step.
Small business owners may be okay with this limited protection if they don’t plan on expanding their brand in the future. On the other hand, entrepreneurs that intend to eventually offer their product or service across the nation will need a federal trademark to enforce their rights. ...