This is where working with a trademark attorney offers some benefit. An attorney can guide you through the design process to ensure that the logo is unique enough for trademark approval. At the same time, you can focus on creating a logo that aligns with your company’s vision. Once complet...
Trademark a Name Should I Trademark My Name? How to Do a Trademark Search in 5 Simple Steps How Do I Choose a Trademark Class? Four Steps to Protect Your App and Yourself 5 Tips to Speed Up the Trademark Process Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
(iii) In a dispute, the first party to have used the mark will be successful When deciding whether or not to trademark your brand, the first thing to consider is whether your mark will be approved. The USPTO does not allow the registration of marks that are generic, descriptive or likely...
How to trademark your logo Once you've created your logo, you might want to consider trademarking it. With trademark protection you can secure the exclusive rights to use your logo and prevent it from being used by someone else. When it comes to trademarking a logo in the US, you'll...
Establishing source identifiers like your business name and logo are a solid start to that process—but you may want to consider trademark protection as well. In this post, learn how and when to get a trademark for your business. Plus, we’ll shed more light on the benefits of trademarks,...
Say for example I file “Basic Name LLC” , does my website and brand name have to also be “Basic Name LLC” or can they be something completely different? Two, if I file that LLC name, do I still need to copyright/trademark that brand name or does filing an LLC under that name...
First, invest in your brand by registering a trademark and enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry. Be willing to spend money on your brand logo, product packaging, and photos for your product detail pages to make your listings look as professional as possible. ...
Should Itrademarkmy company name or logo? Do I need a patent, copyright, or intellectual property protection? Can you create standard contracts for negotiating with other businesses and vendors? How do I form a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?
You’ll also want to make sure no one else has trademarked or registered your desired business name, which you can check via the U.S. Trademark Electronic Search System or with the Office of the Secretary of State for the state in which your business is located. And, remember you’ll ...
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