【重译】《HOW TO TRADE IN ST,【重译】《HOW TO TRADE IN STOCKS》 第四章 到手的钱 2011 04 05 17 26 54 br/2011年04月05日br/ 你在处理富..
1、阅读《How to Trade in Stocks》第9章和10章。 2、进行摘录,并结合自己的交易实践,撰写心得。 这两章看得我头大无比。看着看着就开始晕。晕了好几回。最后我按照自己理解的整理了一下,自己觉得杰西.利物莫的行情记录规则应该是下面这样的情况: 其中一种走势:上升 -- 回撤 - 回升 - 上升的简要模式。
可以说,《How to Trade in Stocks》这本书,是杰西·利物莫的盖棺之作。 *《股票作手回忆录》,出版于1923年。 功课内容: 1、阅读《How to Trade in Stocks》第1章和第2章。 2、进行摘录,并结合自己的交易实践,撰写心得。 3、总结其中一般性的交易原则。 4、总结出现的杰西·利物莫的交易策略。 功课...
关于图表分析的一些必读书籍 1、《大作手操盘术》(How to Trade In Stocks byJesse Livermore(Author)) 中文版推荐中信出版社的,是回忆录和操盘术的合集,关键后面有图表。 英文版的话有能力务必读一下,中文版的翻译毕竟不是做交易的人的翻的,并且英文版有许多杰西重点加黑的地方,中文版里没有体现。 2、《股市...
His performance would've made him a billionaire in today's terms. He wrote down all his secrets in the 1940 published book "How To Trade In Stocks." Here are the 8 Key Points important for Today's Investors. 1. Nothing New The way to success in the markets always remains the same. ...
Refer to Explanatory Rule 5-B. On the same day a price was recorded in the Natural Reaction column of Bethlehem Steel. That price was still being recorded in the Natural Reaction column because it had not reached a price that was 3 points lower than its previous price with red lines ...
3 T HOW TO TRADE IN STOCKS It is difficult to exercise patience with such people. In the first place, the inquiry is not a compliment to the man who has made a scientific study of investment and speculation. It would be as fair for the layman to ask an attorney or a surgeon: How ...
measuring stick, against which you can compare your own portfolio's performance. Indexmutual fundsand exchange-traded funds offer a simplified way to gain exposure to all of the stocks in a particular index. Exchange-traded funds are akin to mutual funds that trade on an exchange like a stock...
How to Trade the USDX Traders use the U.S. dollar index to track the value of the USD against a basket of select currencies in a single transaction. They can also protect against currency risks using tradablederivativesof the index, such as USDX futures and options. ...
How To Trade Options in 5 Steps 1. Assess Your Readiness 2. Choose a Broker and Get Approved to Trade Options 3. Create a Trading Plan 4. Understand the Tax Implications 5. Keep Learning and Managing Risk Pros and Cons of Trading Options Buying Calls (Long Calls) Buying Puts (Long Puts...